I spent half my time at my friends or playing games. The best thing is the Best Buy in Palmdale and The Cinemark in Lancaster. Basically everything else is party and get drunk.
Branch: USMC
Years of Service: 2(lifer)
MOS: Aviation Electronics Technician
Rank: E-4
Stationed: Camp Pendleton, CA
Avi Tech for UH-1N/Y Hueys and AH-1W/Z Cobras Light Attack Helicopters
Branch: USAF
TiS: 1 yr. 1 mo.
Station: Kadena AB, Okinawa, Japan
Grade: E-3
AFSC: 2W0X1 Munitions Systems. (Ammo Troop ) (and for all u army and usmc out there, its the equivalent to your ordnance troops.
branch: active army
tis: 1 1/2 years so far
mos: 13F (fister) field artillery, forward observer
station: just pcs'd to Ft Drum, NY from Korea.
grade: E-3 should get my E-4 in the next few months.
Branch: Active Army
Tis: 1 1/2 years so far
Mos: 13F (fister) field artillery, forward observer
Station: just pcs'd to Ft Drum, NY from Korea.
Grade: E-3 will get my E-4 in April while deployed to Afghanistan.
Unit: 1-71 Cav
Branch: USN
Tis: 12 years in July
hydraulic, pnumatic, and structural tech on H-60S helicopter. Used to work on F-14's until they went away.
Station: Norfolk, VA.
Grade: Just picked up E-6. getting pinned tomorrow.
Unit: HSC-22