KoG Lion

i would have to say there are three of them that have changed my view about gaming and the gaming community.

i would have to say my best friend on live many of you guys have worked with him his name is KoG BeaR XS. he has taught me so much on how to become a leader. i have to give the most credit

the next is KoG Fuffalo XD he was my first section leader and now my XD good work

the next is KoG SPINZ XD he was my first XD i have ever worked with thanks all three of you on making my view of gamming

XGC Coleslaw XI

Council Member
this is a cool thread... i'd have to say that 007 and hades have impacted me the most... 007 (among a few others) recruited me back before we created XG... and hades was always with me before we ever even got into gaming communities... from the start of halo 2...

hades and I met in a halo 2 clan called pure domination, and we moved to a few clans, including fragging rights, before joining a large gaming community with 007. hades was my first recruit!!!


Thats pretty cool Coleslaw. A council member recruiting a council member.

xBTFx assassin because even though he is a general, he has instilled a lot of core values into me throughout our time playing MW2 together.

XGC KillnTym XD- I LOVE how he throws comedy in his meetings. I seriously cannot wait to get into design team meetings because they are so fun and hilarious! He also inspires me by doing such a perfect job explaining things and modding threads it is unbeliavable.
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XDC Brkncyd

New member
His writings on leadership have inspired me to become a great leader, and not just in this clan, but in real life. I use the information from his writings to teach myself how to lead a successful squad and how to build leaders beneath me that, i hope, will one day surpass me. Fuffalo will always be one of the most inspirational division leaders I will ever met in XG.

xBTFx assassin
When i was first recruited into this clan, i had no idea how it would affect my life and how i am. I came in as a recruit in January and joined BTF in KoG Xplicit XK. Little did i know BTF began to train me and taught me the ways of XG, from the Honor Code, to just how to become a great leader. He brought me up to great leaders, like Unstable and Spinz and asked me to question them about leadership and i have learned so much from it. BTF is my primary mentor in leadership, one of the most knowledgable of XG i have ever met, and has become one of my closest friends here. BTF impacted my life and my knowledge on leadership exponentially.

Unstable's ability to lead and build up clans has made me bring her up here. She is a wonderful leader, and is very approachable as a person. Her actions have lead her clans and have brought them great glory and success. by her example, I hope, I too, can build and lead clans like her.

XGC xVenomx

New member
I would have to say XGC Redneck XC ive known joe for almost 5 years and we joined XG together well more like i dragged him into it lol.

KoG Lou

New member
I would have to say KoG SwampFox XD when he was apart of the community. He recruited me and taught me all I need to know about the community and how to be a leader along with XGC BlkKnght XI....he taught me that to be a leader you must learn to fallow.

XGC Coleslaw XI

Council Member
yeah i think i said this before, but 007 recruited me and i recruited hades all years before we created XG... just not to confuse anyone... viper was the first person voted to the council that wasn't in XG when it was created... he's a home grown council


New member
Oh There are so many...

KoG Slimjim - Recruited me, stuck with me.

KoG Dr Quack XS - Gave me a chance to rebuild a clan and he was there for every step of the way until we reached the goal

KoG BeaR XS - Trained me, taught me a good portion of what I know

KoG HAWKEYE XD - Well, what can I say? Taught me, Trained me was there when I needed direction, and even after leaving Animosity he was there to help me out

KoG Spinz XD - My saviour. LOL! Has taught me lots of great leadership skills.

... And to the many others who I've learned from, KoG FaceUp XS, KoG Unstable XS, JESUSISCANADIAN, KoG Fuffalo XD and so many more who i've watched and allowed me to create a style of leadership all for my own.

XGC Axecident

New member
i would say indirectly Viper and BlkKnght, showing us that it is possible for people to move into a position of prestige in our community.

Directly, XGC Redneck XC, and XGC Chrome XS (My section leader) for helping me get through some frusterating moments within my Clan - Honor Code.

and XGC TFlem XC for pumping me up about my Clan Compete Interviews, and making me the Clan Compete Spotlight Reporter :)


New member
My general when I joined SYN Flames 26 for teaching me the ropes,and my friend SYN xSovereign, High ranked leader wise would be SYN Plague XS for opening a path for me becoming a leader.
Ive been around a good while and sadly none of these members are still with Xiled Gaming.

As of now it would be SYN K1NG XD for helping back into the community and giving me another shot at being a leader.


New member
OooOOo fun topic!

-SYN DEAD3Y3 XD: Definitely continues to impact me the most. Was my XS all the way through, and is now an amazing XD to work w/. Its one of those 'blessed' situations I suppose. Dedi showed me how dedication and patience can help mediate a situation from pure chaos to something beneficial for all.

-SYN Phantom XS: Was my General in varying clans until I replaced him, upon his promo. Phantom took me under his wing and showed me all that basic clan maintenance entailed, always voicing the importance of clear communications throughout the clan. One of the most important things he showed me, was the importance of growing, splitting and providing a fun/helpful environment for members to thrive in.

-SYN K1NG XD: Showed how it was possible to bring something back from dire straights, all while keeping an optimistic and level headed attitude. One of those, 'make any situation work' deals. Inspiring really.

-SYN Consig XD: The dude has some incredible things going on his life, and went above and beyond what was expected of him during this time to ensure that people were getting the utmost support. XD or not, he's an amazing guy I strive to be more like everyday

-My Generals/Fellow XS's/Other XG Leaders & the countless members who continue to show me what a truely epic community we really have. This place is nothing without the cool folks who make us who we are, so its easily the thing I'm most proud of in XG.

KoG Lycos

New member
Hmm, definitely for me it would be a few people:

SYN Bunite XD/XC - For being there to help out when I first got started. He was definitely useful in believing me when I had no other allies. Without him, I may not have reached the rank I am currently.

SYN K1NG XD - For being there during tough times. I can honestly say he definitely was there to help through a crazy time in SYN and for that I thank him, even if he won't return the favor LOL.

SYN Black XS - Though he came out from under me, he showed me what dedication and an open ear could accomplish. This guy definitely puts up with a lot of stuff from people, but he rarely if ever loses his cool. Definitely that type of person you WANT to hang around with.

And finally, XGC x0 0 7x XI: he may not remember it, but there was a situation with KoG Gunner XD that didn't look so good for me. I was only a sergeant at the time, but he actually took the time to sit down with me at the time and honestly listened to me. And now the second time around, he gave me a shot at being a division leader. I know that I may not have had the best reputation in the community, but he saw through that and gave me a fair shot to be a leader. For that I thank him a lot.

As for my actual leadership values, I can't say that any one person taught me how to be a leader. I can't even say that anybody taught me how to be a leader. I learned that through trial and error, through mistakes and successes. I tried new tactics; some succeeded and some failed, and it is through this constant improving process that I am what I am today. The people listed above helped TREMENDOUSLY in this effort, I don't want to underscore their part in this. They helped me out when times were tough, when few allies were around, and helped me actually enjoy what I do far more so than I would ever have otherwise.


KoG Lion

i like this post because you can see which even the leaders we see when we came into the community were here and you here small stories about them that make them the way they they are.

Inked Ivy

New member
GREEEN TZU: He recruited me into this wonderful community when he was general of XGC Coldfire. Sadly I wasnt old enough for XGC so he helped me to find a KoG clan. I must say hes one of the most thorough and probably best at doing the recruitment speech.

Unstable: Again, she helped me find a KoG clan, and continues helping me to this day. Awesome to have another female gamer that can also be a leader to me.

But I must say, its not only leaders that impact me. All those that I speak to in the community help out one way or another. Especially a shout out to all of those that helped me out after New Dynasty's clan crash that happened. I got to where I am due to these guys.
KoG FaceUp XS - Trained me. Taught me most of what I know now and he is an awesome XS :)

KoG Darkfathom - Trained me even though I wasn't in his clan lol. Taught me a lot and always helped me with whatever I needed. Also one of my first friends in XG lol.

XGC Phantom XD

New member
SYN DEAD3Y3 XD: He has been with me since I first got back from my absence if you will. Throughout the whole way he helped with everything and I couldn't have done all the things I did if he wasn't there to support me and show things me how things were done in the first place.

CEG Scooter and CEG Savvy: For showing me exactly how not to be like you and providing the most horrific examples as being leaders for a division that needed a lot of work when we needed it the most. Thanks for your embarrassment of what so called "Leader" means in your eyes and because of which, I am able to now work with like minded division leaders and have been able to grow to a point in which you could never reach no matter how hard you tried.


New member
Lol Im kinda sad im not on anyone list, i helped so many leaders come under me while in SYN....but i guess most are not XS or in SYN anymore....but deadeye i remember helping you a great deal haha....its all good ill put in my leaders here

XGC OCM- General, XS, XD, XC- she has helped me a great deal over the years, and has nurtured me into a leader

007- He has been tough on me which is what i needed at the time

Hylander- Yea Yea i know, but he did teach me a great deal about being a leader and helping others

Bunite- has always been at my side when i needed him, even though he has throw me to the wolves every now and then, he still helped out

Finally, Corona- the man was my teacher longer than i can remember

XGC Sader

New member
BloodySnipe - For recruiting me.

SYN Boondox - For taking me and raising me in his squad.

SYN BLACK XS and SYN Skullcandy - For taking me in SYN in the first place.

XGC Darkshot - For introducing me to XGC Betrayal XK when I turned 18.

XGC Draycon - For accepting me into XGC Betrayal XK.

Everyone in XGC Betrayal XK - For being so friendly and...interesting...? lol

And to all that were involved in my transferal - Well...for helping me transfer...Thanks guys.

I haven't really been involved with many of the higher ups but I'm sure this list will still have room to grow!