Wicked 7

New member
XGC WickdxJesus for originally recruiting me into XGC Armada.

XGC GodzFist and XGC BlackFalcon for showing me the ropes when i was new.

XGC KillnTym XD for pointing the way in my designs and helping falcon and fist show me how to do everything in the beginning.

SYN King XD for setting me up in SYN Greed 7 when XGC wasnt the place for me anymore.
along with Kill not holding me back in a place i no longer felt at home in.

SYN Black XS for showing me what it takes to build a strong clan and the awesome leadership he displays.

XGC Typhoon

New member
the list starts here for me....

XGC xHAMMERx XC, XGC Redneck XD, SYN Consig XD, XGC IRISH XS, and SYN xExiTx

XGC xHAMMERx XC- hammer was there with me from the beginning . he showed me the ropes coming up through the ranks of Sgt-Capt. he showed me the true meaning of being a leader and what i meant to be a part of something bigger then just a game.

XGC Redneck XC- henry tought me everything i know about building clans and running them successfully. he taught me the right way to recruit and showed me how to be a great General. Henry's teaching, although unorthodox, really gave me the foundation to learn and improve myself on top of what hammer taught me.

SYN Consig XD- Sig was a major part in helping teach me what i needed to become an even better leader than i ever thought of being. he is truly a person who has shown me how to deal with life on and off the box through his teachings.

XGC Irish XS- Irish came up through the ranks under me from the time i was a General. he has shown me time and again that understanding and patience will make a clan grow and succeed. his ability to keep a calm cool head while dealing with situations has helped me grow as a leader and with out Irish there to back me and help me i would not be where i am today.

SYN xExiTx- not only is he my brother but he is the reason i am here in XG. he recruited me back on Halo 2 into XGC Kings and was the Hardest person on me comming up through the ranks. i had to earn my ranks twice as hard and for that i am thank full. if he didnt do so rank would not have ment as much.

and to all not listed here, and there are many, you all have helped me in one way or another to get where i am today. had it not been for all of the guys and girls in Ambassador, Kings, Paradise, Perdition, Rebellion and all of the XK clans i dont know where ide be today. you all deserve to be recognized for what you all do for this community on a daily basis and for that i am greatful and i commend you all. thanks for the opportunity to teach you and be your leader.


SYN Cheddarbob

New member
XGC x007x XI

They're the reason I'm still here. They've pushed me to drive and work at things and I do enjoy how much double O likes my work haha.
They're also the best people to work with when working on this site.


New member
i need to give a nod to XGC Italian XS for coming in and stepping in Jurisdiction and cleaning up the sh*t that Juri had. now with his help, Jurisdiction just split, something we have been trying to do since i first joined 2 months ago.

KoG Slayer II

New member
Well here is my list:

KoG Phantom XS (KoG Phantomsnpr): Phantom was my first General along with KoG MusicMan back in KoG Tactical over 3 years ago. Not only was Phantom a great General, but he knew how to set the perfect example for how to be a leader. He made many tough decisions in his time, but he always did what was right for the members of the clan. He taught me what it takes to move up the ranks and become a leader myself. Unfortunately, he is no longer with us as he passed away last year...

The Clash (KoG Future/SYN Romance): The Clash was my LT when I first joined KoG Tactical many years ago. He read me the Honor Code and Rank Structure and showed me the ropes through my entire early career here in XG. Eventualy we both wound up as Captains alongside one another in KoG Panic and built the clan from 5 members to 75 within a few months. He taught me many important qualities needed to not only be a leader, but make the experience for all new members fun. Although Clash and I had some rough times in which we argued, he still is one of the most inspirational people to me.

SYN D3ADEYE (XS, XD): Yes Chris, you knew it was coming! LOL! Anyways...DEAD3Y3 has been one of my great friends over the past few years now. He has set the ideal example of how to handle tough situations and of how to be a great leader. Aside from the community, DEAD3Y3 and I have talked about personal issues and he always has a bit of advice to try and help me through my problems. All of the qualities he has instilled in himself and others in his time here are much of the reason why he is now a Division Leader.

XGC Coleslaw XI

Council Member
don't feel bad papa... i'm not on anyone's list either... i don't know ur leadership style, but maybe it's because i'm not an in your face type leader... i let people make mistakes and learn from them, i encourage people to find their own best path, but i am always around to answer a question. anyone that has worked with me would hopefully know that above all i am honest. My personal life has taken over for the most part, but i like to think that i can make very important contributions via the website, and the few times that i get online per week.

Feel free to ask me anything and everything. i check my personal forums almost every day, so that is the most convenient place to get a hold of me at this current moment


New member
Wow this could really be a long list for me because XG has so many great past present and future leaders.

XGC xHAMMERx XC-- Hammer recruited me into XG. He has always mentored and guided me as a leader from the time I was a recruit until now and it prob will never stop. He has taught me so much on the box and in life in general.

XGC TYPHOON XD-- Typhoon was the general of the first clan that I was given as an XS and as I learned how to be an XS as he did a general I think we grew together and taught each other a lot. Bottom line TYPHOON is a great leader and I am proud to be a part of his growth process as he was definitely part of mine. Oh and he is doing a great job with the XKs. I knew they would do nothing but grow stronger with him.

SYN LEADERS-- It would get long for a paragraph for each of you. First all of them welcomed me with open arms when I transfered to SYN to help out. Deadeye and Phantom showed me the dedication needed to be a great leader when they worked super hard to make sure we kept every clan that was possible. Black is also a model XS with great potential and is doing great things in PS3 in a completely new field of online gaming for XG. Royce and Instinct are new but the got a lot of potential. And last but not least, SYN K1NG XD, Queen definitely showed me how to be heavy handed when I need to be and always makes himself available to deal with any situation and definitely has a wealth of knowledge and experience in any situation.

XGC REDNECK XC--Redneck always has great advice and constantly makes himself available for anyone. He definitely has set the bar high for leaders in our community. I just got one more thing Henry I DONT LIKE IT haha

I think this is one of the best group of leaders XG has seen from the council all the way down and the sky is the limit


New member
In my opinion XGC Sentinel XS and XGC Ellis XS would probably have the most positive infuence on me. They are both great gamers and are good at cooling down situations.My hat is off to them and all other leaders that have to put up with all of us ground pounders.

SYN Jerriel

New member
XGC OneCoolMom,

One of the "older and wiser" members of XG. i grew up under her but never in one of her clans. She thought me alot in Xiled Gaming and i always had a good time with her. though some of you guys may not know her, i do hold it to her for being a THE Mom of Xiled Gaming. One BADA** Mom that does not take alot of BI**Hing

XGC Viper XI,

First time i talked to this guy was WAAAAAY WAAAY back in the day when he was promoted to XI. I sent him the most effed up grammar PM ever. how he molded me into a XS and News Team leader is beyond me. He is a guy that gets things done one way or another. A Teacher and good old friend of mine. If you ever get the chance to be thought by him or listen to his words, get a paper and pen out.