A lot of good points in this thread. I think its amazing that the game has been out a week and already people have learned to spawn kill. I also am not a huge fan of MW3 right not. It may simply be because Black ops was my first ever FPS but, adjusting to MW3 with its less interactive map and so-so graphics is making me want to play less and less. That and no HC CTF, WTF?
I get the idea of unlocking everything but the "leveling up your gun" is BS. As soon as you get it where you're working well with it, you are offered another "perk" So you unlock them all and pick the one for you, but now you have to do it with every weapon. In all, after unlocking the kick or harden, I've improved and don't see the point of trying any other gun perk.
As for the lag, I'm sure as usual, thye weren't prepared for the huge influx of players and hope it is fixed soon. As for the campers... Yeah it's rediculous. At least in Black Ops, there were FEW if any dead ends or tight corners. In MW3, every corner you turn is a nook or cranny for some ( can't say it here) to sit and plaster you.
Oh and anyone using a riot shiled will be deleted from my friends list. Man up!
Needless to say, in just a few hours of playing MW3 I am not digging it at all and will clearly state, I bought it only because my friends and everyone I play with was making the change.
I'm no computer guy so I don't know what the answer is but MW3 isn't it. NOt a bad game but truly flawed and in no way the best thing going.