kitty tutu

New member
I don't think it should be. I mean we pay to have the kind of servers that we do. While PS3 has rather poo servers and they cant have parties. Which I think is a big downside.


New member
I dont mind. Its 60$ a year. Usually when i go to get it there is a deal going on. 2 years now ive paid 40$ for it. I would rather have the great services we have then have crappy ones like ps3.

XGC SilentChaos

New member
It would be great if we didn't have to pay but get everything like we do now but I have both the ps3 and xbox 360 and am gonna get the xbox one but it would be cool if they would join up and make a hybrid console take great parts of both and work together to make a new one where you can use either the xbox style controller or the ps3, not pay and have the playstation store so with playstation plus you can get cheaper games I mean that would be great because ik one of the main reasons I don't play my ps3 a lot is because I cant play but slow games on the ps3 aka saints row I cant play like cod or battlefield games on there because I am so use to the xbox controller and the triggers on it but I mean really who els would like that idea of a hybrid console?