
New member
Not sure why some chicas do that. Not sure why guys do either. My ex absolutely hated that i was a gamer. Super stole my controllers once, and honestly, that was the last straw lol

really? im not taken yet so i dont have to worry about that lol. be cool to find a lady to be with who loves games as much as i do.... no pun intended when i used the word lady.

Double O Gonzo

New member
Its about neglect, if you neglect your significant other male female or even pet, expect a backlash against what the cause of that neglect is. That's just the nature of being emotionally attached to someone.

Make time, make a schedule, and every once in awhile break the schedule for the significant other, and not the other way around (Never!!! Cancel plans for Gaming, but be flexible to cancel gaming for "us" time) and you should have no hate towards your choice of gaming, or the people you do game with.

Just my 2 pence.

XGC Zach

New member
mine is fine with it as long as as much as i am on she expect that much time sometime though the week.. which i can see as fair.


New member
Im a woman and i LOVE to play :) I think most girls think its "bad or wrong" to get into gaming for fear of the word "nerd/geek/loser" they would much rather go shopping and spend money to play dress-up!! I would rather relax and fish/hunt/play video games ANY DAY!! But then again what do I know im just a "geek" anyways lol ;)


New member
Women generally have less hand-eye coordination, so we tend to be less good at gaming. Americans hate anything they're not good at. Put that together with neediness and you have a person that thinks video games are a waste of time.

TheMegaBum FC

New member
i think people are taking this wrong seems like hes trying to say isnt it better if guys are home playing there games instead of going out everynight

Gunz N Glamour

New member
Ive been playing more than my man...so I honestly dont know why some girlfriends get so upset about it.
my sisterinlaw takes her hubbies xbox away and hides it for a couple weeks when she gets mad..lol


New member
They hate gaming consoles because they feel that your attention is being misplaced. they would like you to spends more time with them and less time gaming. Maybe have a chat with her would help improve your situation.