Yo i'm taking a break from my box. Need to get some things back on track and that involves taking a break from games for a bit
i'll hit you up when i get back and i'll be on the site and xbox.com
Stad Tasty
p.s. congrats on the forum nerd.....you nerd
Ok i think u posted for something else. But yea go into the helpdesk and go into forum problems and then post that u need ur XS forum made in the ask the section leader area and also post that u need forum mod.
XG time is always good. lol yea posting is fun, might have to get back into doing that. Also u need to go and post to get ur XS forum up. I wanna start threads in there. haha =)
i just got it like 2 weeks ago, its a lil diff from halo but im getting use to it, still haven't played online.....im off for the next 3 days so ill be on