Jupiter Dec 23, 2011 would you be able to do this? http://www.xiledgaming.com/forum/showthread.php?t=123986
X X x JaSoN z Dec 22, 2011 no i accidently messed up my internet but i just got it back i will however do it tonight or tomorrow
no i accidently messed up my internet but i just got it back i will however do it tonight or tomorrow
I I IGnzo Dec 22, 2011 Seeing that your with me on the Freelancer side can you help with letting everyone know we have our own area for making personal request.
Seeing that your with me on the Freelancer side can you help with letting everyone know we have our own area for making personal request.
X X XvBigPapavX Dec 20, 2011 Okay sounds good if you need anything or wanna chat u can always send me a pm
TRu KilnTyme Co Dec 19, 2011 Rave, go post me two test images for the apps. Just post imo my thread the same way as I did.
Jupiter Dec 19, 2011 i need to stop deleting stuff. can you send me the image you wanted me to use again?