S S Stabbing Skulls Dec 19, 2011 do you know any1 that can make a banner for my kill cam of the week the banner would be placed on the inside of the thread but it could eliminate alot of text just in a banner!!!!!
do you know any1 that can make a banner for my kill cam of the week the banner would be placed on the inside of the thread but it could eliminate alot of text just in a banner!!!!!
Jupiter Dec 18, 2011 im going to bed right now lol. ill talk to you tomorrowwww maybe i have a busy day
X X XDC Jinno Dec 17, 2011 hey demon king CnC my work brah plus if you see me online in an open party join in i got something REALLY IMPORTANT to tell you.
hey demon king CnC my work brah plus if you see me online in an open party join in i got something REALLY IMPORTANT to tell you.