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  • They made the Blood Oath so that more people would feel welcome in the community.
    There are only 4 rules and thats Have Fun, Respect leaders, Dont cheat in MM, and have fun.
    They repeated Have Fun for a reason.
    When I say see the light I meant it as a analogy.
    Also they only removed a few rules. They still have an organized society there. Its not much different except there's more freedom.
    While you stay blinded the people in Nv see the light.
    Who's better to lead a clan then a leader itself?
    Thats what they did and I APPLAUD them for it.
    Well honestly I was just repeating what Classic said about Pitbulls.
    Also I didn't pass it down to Mel. Classic did.
    Thanks for the welcome back but I beg to differ on the "True Clan" piece.
    The true Pitbulls is Corleone since he was the creator of it originally. Since it was his it will always will be with him. Which is why the true PB is in Nv. With him.
    Mel has asked me several times to come back, and when he told me he blew it with PB then I felt I had to help him. Not only because he's my friend but also because I do have a type of bond with it. But the true Pitbulls is back at Nv and it really didnt take the leaders time. Plague just sent a message to Bunite and the reply was ok or whatever. Simple as that.
    The only reason I'm back is because Mel asked for my help. As soon as I'm done I am Gone.
    Oh. Well I didn't see it but I can only assume it was a temporary forum created for all the new admins to practice using their privileges.
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