SYN PLAGUE Oct 6, 2008 hey no trashtalking, you're in KoG now lol. J/k I would probably make some parents ban there kids from playing online lol.
hey no trashtalking, you're in KoG now lol. J/k I would probably make some parents ban there kids from playing online lol.
SYN PLAGUE Oct 5, 2008 so with nintendo wii speak does that mean i can trash talk over supersmash brothers lol.
SYN PLAGUE Oct 4, 2008 romance......i knew you were going to change your name and figured you were future......but......future????? really???
romance......i knew you were going to change your name and figured you were future......but......future????? really???
iTz DTownTiger Oct 3, 2008 Long story short, Percussive didn't get his work done so yea... I heard hes getting relocated but I'm not for sure. Yea but thanks
Long story short, Percussive didn't get his work done so yea... I heard hes getting relocated but I'm not for sure. Yea but thanks
XGC Yoda Sep 30, 2008 I put some hints for Unleashed and Mercenaries 2 in my Game channel thread...check em out
XGC Yoda Sep 29, 2008 Do you just pull things from our threads or do we still have to post to the "Content for review" section?
Do you just pull things from our threads or do we still have to post to the "Content for review" section?
XGC Yoda Sep 24, 2008 Your Choice if you like post below
Your Choice if you like post below