TRu GALIA Mar 26, 2009 Yeah I remember Jace. How is he doing? Do you know what base he is going to be stationed at? I don't have aim anymore but I have MSN or you could join the chatroom....I'm there.
Yeah I remember Jace. How is he doing? Do you know what base he is going to be stationed at? I don't have aim anymore but I have MSN or you could join the chatroom....I'm there.
XGC Dhale101 Mar 26, 2009 good man memebers jace343 he joined the navy i am a captain of Final fight lol get on aim im me my sn is dhale101
good man memebers jace343 he joined the navy i am a captain of Final fight lol get on aim im me my sn is dhale101
XGC Dhale101 Mar 26, 2009 havent seen u since XGC Basic hows life man i remember u promoted me to captain
C C CGE BioNexus CA Mar 25, 2009 soooooo you realize im going to be driving you up the wall even more right
X X XGC BlackFalcon Mar 24, 2009 hahahaha okay jokes over........wait r u fo real! ohhhh snap hey gotta hand it to ya gal, and these words are not heard often, but Congrats Galia.
hahahaha okay jokes over........wait r u fo real! ohhhh snap hey gotta hand it to ya gal, and these words are not heard often, but Congrats Galia.