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  • I think your new general has some attitude issues. I asked him a question about a squad and hes all like I'm not discussing this anymore, Espeically with a little gamer. He thinks just because I'm a gamer that I don't care about this clan. He talks to me as if I'm trash. If thats the kind of clan hes going to run then I'm requesting for a transfer. I will not stand for that.
    hey wats up im looking for clan to join i was in calimoms clan back on halo 2 but they transferred to call of duty 4 and calimom is nowhere to be seen i just got my xbox 360 like 3 months ago and im looking to get back into xgc. my gamer tag is A BloodyDemon T if you could help me out that would be great
    hi got the red ring of beaf yum
    but relly i have the ring of deaf i fell like killing my sealf#14time
    i am not that crazy but i am crazy!
    PS NOT REALLY do not think i am but u can
    PSS is a boat
    hey galia i dont know how to send a gamer tag request i dont know were to go but i just wanted o see if you can request minds to KoG Big Pun413 if thats okay wit you n my bad to hit up on this
    Hey I updated Objective's clan list so it should be set for the 15th. Is Percussive General right now or what?
    Yes, I'm ready. About the merger, I don't want to either but I was just saying that if things really got that bad, which they probably wont, then we should do whats best for the clan.
    Galia, my man, I got a Q for ya. Ok so I have stepped down over a month ago, right? So why do I still have Generals above my name? lol I mean its not a problem for me, I just thought you should know. And did you ever talk to Percussive? Cause I haven't talked to him for months and he hasn't been around lately. Ok I'm going to be honest with you, and I'm sure you already know, Objective isn't doing so good. We have one lieutenent, only 1 active Captain, and our general.... well Idk whats up but I have a bad feeling about this because we are slowly dropping in numbers. Look, I know your busy and have problems of your own but I hope you can help us in some way. I don't want to lose any more members, I tried so hard to get this clan going again and I was successful, until now. Now I usually wouldn't ask for help but this is my last resort and I really don't want to lose this clan. Please, Objective needs help.

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