SYN Grimster Apr 22, 2010 hey ive got a recruit for you to bring into KoG i wanted him in with us but he is 13 so i need to send him to you
hey ive got a recruit for you to bring into KoG i wanted him in with us but he is 13 so i need to send him to you
SYN Grimster Apr 21, 2010 how do you become a platnum member? thats a question id like to know. i know youve been with them a long time but is there money involved?
how do you become a platnum member? thats a question id like to know. i know youve been with them a long time but is there money involved?
SYN Grimster Apr 21, 2010 hey ive tried to make a sig in photoshop but it wont upload i dont know what to do or how else to do it could you help please?
hey ive tried to make a sig in photoshop but it wont upload i dont know what to do or how else to do it could you help please?
XGC xTAGx Apr 1, 2010 what are you doing on there and the xbox at the same time im just play with whats up man
C C CONSIG Mar 18, 2010 things are going well. finished school took the bar and now waiting to see if i passed