B B BrickwallTimmy Jan 21, 2010 since I'm a senior in high school I am in school until 2 so I'm am exclusively a evening player
B B BrickwallTimmy Jan 21, 2010 hey man I sent a message to all of my friends about complaining on my account. btw who can I talk to so I can stary getting really active in here.
hey man I sent a message to all of my friends about complaining on my account. btw who can I talk to so I can stary getting really active in here.
XGC Independant Jan 6, 2010 Merry christmas and a happy new year to you to Chuck. Sorry have not been on the forums in a while.
Gingersaurus Jan 3, 2010 so this one time, this try-hard decided e-stalking would make his life more productive. and then he started ripping off special phrases he acquired while e-stalking. i believe i just defined nerd rage...which was ripped off BTW lol
so this one time, this try-hard decided e-stalking would make his life more productive. and then he started ripping off special phrases he acquired while e-stalking. i believe i just defined nerd rage...which was ripped off BTW lol
XGC BLUNTx Jan 2, 2010 new years was great, been spending a lot of time working on my house... i am sure you know what that is like hope all is well with you and the family!
new years was great, been spending a lot of time working on my house... i am sure you know what that is like hope all is well with you and the family!