BANNER REQUESTS ARCHIVE 12/02/11 - 08/04/13

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KoG SheCoCo

New member
Thanks! ^.^ oh on the background i didnt know whether to add more or less. When i added more it kind of took the color away that was in the far background, so I blurred one of them and thought It was a good mix between em. I probably wont be able to post another sig for a little bit im going to be a little busy. I'll try not to get too far behind tho ^.^

KoG SheCoCo

New member
Im gonna try to post two more before i go

Heres one that i liked:

Im doing a test image right after this so it should be up in a little


New member
Not a fan of this one, background is to plain, And to many hardlines on the render, there is just way to much space on the right of the sig, try and cut the width of it down.

KoG SheCoCo

New member
I got to bring my labtop with my gimp stuff on it so Yay!. But I can't seem to make anything decent( cant really think for some reason) and well you'll see...Oh um my computer is being mean and keeps blocking the stuff I need so u would probably be seeing airbrush, random brush strokes, smear, and all that good stuff for a little bit so forgive me for the plainess I'm trying to make it i cant spell it but get my point...

Here ya go Test image 1:

XGC Radioactive

New member
I like what you did. You show a lot of skill, especially for the length of time you've been designing. Two things I might offer you,

1. The depth: The render is crisp and clear at the center, but the background is really blurry. Try to minimize the difference. It is acceptable to have a small difference.

2. Your text: I really like how you pulled the color from his visor, that pulls in very nice; however, the text seems to be just pasted on top. Try to work your text in more, whether it's a screen or actually using it in your background design. That technique can better be explained by someone else. The font seems rather standard as well.

that website is just what it seems. I've downloaded many there, virus free of course, and they work just well with GIMP. The steps to adding them to your program may very between what type of computer you use, but this is what I did.
1. Download the selected font.
2. find the zip folder (like ""), extract it.
3. go into that folder after unzipping, and click on the text file.
4. it should open it up into a browser that says a phrase like "the quick brown fox". On the top of that window will say "install".
5. Click install, then you're done. Just open up GIMP, it'll search for fonts on its own (this may take a few minutes if you've downloaded a bunch). They're now yours to use.

I hope this helps :)

SYN Marethyu

New member

[PENDING] SYN REQUIEMx's Application

GT and user name: ZilchVirus06(Will change when I get promoted to Sargent)
What type of program are you using? Photoshop
How much experience you have with your program and making sigs: I've been doing photohop for a good 3 1/2 years now.
Do you want to be a freelancer or become full-time?: Freelance.
Submit as many works that you have done (try at least 5)




^ Photo manip.. Original here.



I've experimented doing lots of different things... What type of graphics do we do here? Siggys i'm guessing? :p

Weekly Test Images:

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New member
I already spoke to you a bit about this but I wish you luck with your application & don't forget to do both test images weekly.
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