Miss Bunny

New member
hahaha =) i was thinkin the same thing! =)

granted, but now he uses yellow!

i wish that i didn't have to get a shot tomorrow =(

(and you should add me on xbox so we can play!)

XGC Amun Ra

New member
i will do that right now :)

granted but then you ahve to take bad tasting meds.

i wish we had more people in this quick scope game

Miss Bunny

New member
awwww =( no girl toga partiers??

granted (you shouldn't have a poopy toga party night!)

i wish i had a toga party to go to!

Miss Bunny

New member
nu-uh! cuz I could go online and shoot peoples!!!

granted, but then you sleep through it

i wish my stupid cat wouldn't attack my ipod headphones anymore!