New member
yea guys, and hey im online alot, and if u dont have me on ur friends list then as me, and im always looking for playing with elite members on H3 but no one sends me any invites. so yea plz send me invites even when im on another game like COD4 and ill pop right over there, thanks.


New member
Honestly, the fact of the matter is, no one on the elites seems actually committed enough to have practices. The problem is you guys all play too many other games and do not have good contact with other members and leaders, before we can move on in this endeavor you all will need to be more active with the elites on H3 and your clans.


New member
Your welcome, the groups are just to display the members, so you can be in quite a bit, but you may only partake in one clan at a given time, the other sub-groups/ clubs don't affect you and won't get you in trouble, so be in as many as you can handle if you like.

XDC Swagg

New member
True point head 2 head, everyone needs to show a little bit more dedication. I know Tornado cannot be on, but lets start somewhere and try. We will be holding a practice at times which are convient for all. So, if you cannot make a practice you must let the Team Captain or Team Leader know, if you fail to come to these practices and not tell the TC or TL; you will have a chat with the TC and TL. There is no tollerance for this. This professional, not normal stuff. Lets get back into the groove and get things going.

Head 2 Head, announce the times.


New member
I have posted the New Practice times, with helpful information on everything you need to be doing. Also meeting times are up and so are try-out times, everyone needs to start obiding by them and make it a point to show up. Look under the Pro Teams ( Squads ) Section for us, and the new times all say new. Make sure you check it out and the important information as well.


New member
Ok generalized questions on public forums allow for more input, so from now on, this is to everyone including myself. Any question you post in a thread should be made a public statement or question, this allows for all members to post their thoughts and suggestions on the matter. For example i do not know what you are saying Worwon, so i can't give you any input on this suggestion, and therefore i can't help you so you now have to wait for Perfect to respond. I am not picking on you, i am just telling you so we can all help eachother out.
Thank you. :)

XDC Swagg

New member
Worwon, please discuss this with me online. Also for everyone to know we have never discussed an rank structure for the elites, please disreguard that,

Thanks :D