Hello. I mean not to bother you but I was wondering if you could approve one of my GT change. I really want to have XGC in my name Also ChainlinkX would like his approve to. I dont mean to push but we really want to show our clan in our names we are very excited to be here. ~Thanks~
hey there tant long time no see...just letting you know i trancferedx to Atrocity....and hope all has been good....would be awseome to game out again...
hope to see you some time...have a good one XD...
Hey! I was going to message you and tell you, I had a great time playing with you and the other girls. Your welcome, I'm glad I was able to help out. Sorry I didn't do so good. I'm only use to playing hardcore. Anytime you need Me, I'm there. I'll sign up. Just let Me know where. Thanks.
Can't as it needs the current password and that's something I can't remember I've had to change it a few times as someone was hacking into my account tbh I suspect the lizard clan, the world wide hackers everyone got told about