XGC Bradshaw90 Jan 16, 2015 Things are going pretty good here! Loving every minute of it! Waiting for zombies on CoD, needs to hurry up and get here!
Things are going pretty good here! Loving every minute of it! Waiting for zombies on CoD, needs to hurry up and get here!
L L l2evoluti0nZ Jan 16, 2015 haha tried to make that not so awkward but I guess I failed on that one.
L L l2evoluti0nZ Jan 16, 2015 Thank you so much! Miss you! Not in a weird way but playing on the Xbox!
S S SYN SammieGirl Jan 13, 2015 Hey stranger! I think we need to set up another "shots & rwscue" throwback game... What do you say?!
M M MetalMarvelx91 Jan 5, 2015 Ill hold you too that offer, Im east time, so I get done work around 415 should be on around 5 ish
M M MetalMarvelx91 Dec 29, 2014 thank you for accepting just trying make new friends through the xg community
S S SYN NUFalcons Dec 28, 2014 hey hey, let me know when you get on, so i can talk to about somthing. i do find it important but its upto you when your on if youd like to talk thanks and Happy new year brit
hey hey, let me know when you get on, so i can talk to about somthing. i do find it important but its upto you when your on if youd like to talk thanks and Happy new year brit
S S SYN NUFalcons Dec 28, 2014 hey hey, let me know when you get on, so i can talk to about somthing. i do find it important but its upto you when your on if youd like to talk thanks and Happy new year brit
hey hey, let me know when you get on, so i can talk to about somthing. i do find it important but its upto you when your on if youd like to talk thanks and Happy new year brit