XGC Tantaliz XC

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  • Hey I've managed get on my name tablet, didn't realise that I had exiled saved on it, but could you reset my password so I can do my stuff on the PC if not its okay I'll try and do it on here and also hope everything is going okay
    Ah, nice! Yeah I think it'd be fun to play with some girls too. I had a good friend who just started playing other games so I havent had a fellow girl to play with in a few months. What time is your scrimmage? Do any of you broadcast your games on twitch or whatever? I really only play destiny. We own titan fall but I haven't done anything but the initial training. I'll be on tomorrow for a few hours probably around 2 or 3. I'll msg you around then :)
    Thanks!! What days are you usually on? Also thinking about joining the all girls group too. When it says serious gamers is that people who play often? I really only have free time on Wed, Fri and Sunday.
    BRITTANY!!!!!! ARE WE ON FOR 9PM TONIGHT OR WHAT!!!!!! SORRY FOR YELLING BUT IM EXCITED TO KICK SOME BUTT �� haha na but for real hit me up when you can cuz I know I gotta be up super early for work Tm cuz it's gonna be raining here all day and we wanna finish up a job and get paid but I deff wanna play tonight if we got something going on!?!? talk to you after while and I'll be on around 630ish prolly......
    For sure would love to give my clan some more exposer to other memebers, to show we didn't lie when we told them how many people are registered in XG lol. Tell them we have so many people but all they see is each other.
    Really appreciate the talk you had with my captains! Thanks for taking the time to do that!
    Do I know u can't remember and yes I transfered didn't get in trouble just wanted a change might stay here I like it I can do a lot of stuff that a couldn't in xgc
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