XGC Dragon Skin

New member

This is the photo I am working with before I start with the tones.

SYN Ichigo

New member
Try using a different setting on the c4d such as screen or lighten because you can see a line at the top and bottom of the one with the c4d in it.

XGC Dragon Skin

New member
Yes the c4d really added some depth that wasn't previously there. Looks like I am going to have to go hunting for some c4d material for future use.


New member
Keep in mind you dont always have to use c4ds or fractals. there are a huge variety of stock images out there at your disposal. take scenerey for example, for the above sig i would use something like this


and play around with the settings & opacity and also size until you find a nice fit. star stocks, nebulas, flares, rust, etc... are all great things to look for when trying to spice things up a bit.

as you can see i used the above stock image in this sig as a huge part of the effects


XGC Dragon Skin

New member
Yes I am definitively going to play around with the backgrounds. I haven't done much with backgrounds. I am going to be busy today but sometime in the near future I will give it a try. Thank you Sakura!


New member
youve got two focals going on with the knight and the skull which makes it confusing & cluttered. i like what youve got so far as a background though. and the colors are blending nicely. if you were to remove the skull youd have a nice place for your text to go. i would also make the text a touch smaller.