XGC Red Phoenix

New member
i tend to crouch in a BR fight cuz if you jump people can usually tell exactly were you will land and drop a grenade there so it is better to crouch under bullets rather than jump over them and get hit by shrapnel from frags

Mister Rinzler

New member
yea, but you also get that split second advantage because they'll stop shooting just to throw the gernade.

i usually throw a gernade first and then start firing.

XGC Kramer

New member
I'm in XGC Conflict and i'm trying out for XG Elites! My sig just hasn't updated the clan part, lol. Silly h2junk still has my old data from like..a year ago. my account was simply dormant.

XGC Kramer

New member
No, it is...
my original tag for XGC was Ix Akroma xI; however that expired. Thus Nightz BoP is now the XGC Conflict account~
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Mister Rinzler

New member
i was going to try out for xg elites, but everything in my life is kinda hecked right now.

i'll probably be on this weekend and will be sending a couple of you guys some fr so we can play some games together...

XGC Kramer

New member
FYI: You'll wanna check out the XG Elite halo2 section if that's what you're going into~ There's a "must read" thread, and another one that you should post "Trying out, (account in use here)"~ Then follow the instructions.

Mister Rinzler

New member
no i said i was going to try out, i had already played a couple ffa with them, and some 4 v 4, but then like i said so much **** started happening in my neck of the woods :)

Im ProdigY

New member
just to let everyone know that he is triple shoting when he has 0 bullets left for reload...this is possible because the button action is RRYYRRX, the RRYY is just like a double shot when you perfect it, but not as fast there is a slight pase, then with you pushing YY it switches weapons and as the second round burst setting off you do a double shot RRX and hence the triple shot

Im ProdigY

New member
yes but you can triple stop trying to be a little f___ing smart @$$...people like you **** me the f___ off coming in here and posting things to try to be smart i was just trying to help anyone that wanted to know