yes but you can triple stop trying to be a little f___ing smart @$$...people like you **** me the f___ off coming in here and posting things to try to be smart i was just trying to help anyone that wanted to know
okay, i see reading owns you...
first, he said if you ever tried DOUBLE SHOOTING with no extra ammo. i'm pretty sure everyone here knows double shooting is rrxyyrrx. There was no need for the name calling.
second, i'm pretty sure you just jumped into the thread and your thinking you know everything. If you would have read the first, what 3 pages of this thread, the button combo you posted has already been covered. But again, just like akroma said "thanks for trying"
third, what we are wanting to know is the quad shot. go to the first page of this thread and watch the video i posted. at 0:24 he has a full clip (36 rounds) and WITHOUT DROPPING HIS BR he unloads 12 rounds (he now has 24 rounds left) so being that you know what your talking about how is it done?
people like you **** me off because they just come in a thread and start talking like they know what we are talking about when they don't even read the thread..... cause your only gonna make yourself look like an ***.