Dude that is like a triple shot or something. Watch the blasts coming out of the rifle. Also, he doesn't switch to get the second double out. That is amazing.

XGC CouchBurner

New member
you can't double shot, but in KH2 you can dual wield keyblades...its pure ownage when you get the 2 best blades in the game in your best form at level 9...nothing can stop me lol

XGC Red Phoenix

New member
uuuhhhh ooohhhhh we got a double poster lol and Sharpshot i am gonna send you a FR on Halo and see what you got for double and quad shots and i kinda want people from KoG and SYN on my FL not just XGC

XGC CouchBurner

New member
scorpion--but its a badass cartoon game...and don't let the cartoony fool you, its got a hella good story and sweet gameplay...action RPG FTW!

prodigy--smart man!!!