New member
Kool man...I got to the forum threads finally lol...this elite of the week thing is pritty awsome and im goin to work really hard to maybe become the elite of the week. ALso do i have to go to clans on here and send in a request to be in KoG elites? since im in now...


New member
yea i filled one out awhile ago, and i got tried out last night and now im in the second string for now...pritty good fer not playin halo3 fer like 2, 1/2 months but now ill play every night and get alot with you in first string... =)


New member
oh yea give me like just tonight and i could try out for 1st string...but i wont...ill play with 2nd string for awhile and there will probably be something i can learn...and try to reach perfection in communication with you guys before i do so...


New member
alright well post on here what the mist is or whatever so i know...unless its ur secret for now...and if i dont reply ill just ask you tonight then...


New member
I got msn, i dont think you guys care if I have it or not but if u want all elite members to get it you should just tell us and its done...=)


New member
Ok question for PERFECT...i asked head 2 head if we were going to get an elite section for COD4, and he said he doesnt know whose doing it but there should be one up...
1) Who is doing it?
2) How can i get ahold of him?
3) When it would set up?
4) Im really good at COD4 so would I beable to help out with getting a team together?


New member
Im new to the clan and the only people I know are KoG DangerToy, Ipeefreely360 and XGC ( forget his name). I have no idea what i'm supposed to be doing for the clan. So when are the clan meetings? And if anybody could show me some of the KoG statedgies.