Inked Ivy

New member
I have to say i will never again go on psn. The people on there are 20x more disrespectful to girls than on xbl. Yes, on xbox i get the boob size comments, which, i can usually laugh off.... but some of the stuff on there is hideous.....

Anyway.. i can't afford blu-rays, so that part is useless on a playstation for me..., i dont have an hd tv anyway, so blu-rays are once again useless... i like playing for free but like i said its horribly sexist over there....
So my vote is for xbox.

SYN HighLite

New member
i def. agree ivy ahah :D
i make fun of the pervs and retards on there if they come near me and start talkn to me all retarded like ahah :D

XGC Olde Fogy

New member
360 VS PS3

360 vs PS3

I dont have the same issues you do ivy (OBVIOUSLY), I still have the racist to deal with...but I can say I deal with LESS dumb**** cuz I find fewer people use the mic in PS than on XBOX.

I actually game on there just to get away from the drunk, ignorant gamers I contend with on a regular basis on Xbox.

SYN HighLite

New member
well keep in mind that on ps3 even though thats true most people communicate with just the text on the home portion that is where id like to gather some ppl on there ivy you should come game with me i'll tell em all off for you! lol :D


New member


Why did you change it from him being g@y to an idiot?////? hmmmm

the first one i put on ... right after i posted it, i figured somewhere in the middle they said some things that might of made some ppl get all buthurt

but todd is hilarious

p.s. in the post you made that i was responding to.... you said "boob" HIGH FIVE!
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Inked Ivy

New member
LOL.. just putting it out there

and i said goodbye and sold my ps3 a while ago sorry for anyone i could of added. perhaps if i was in xg when i had it, it may still exist....but sadly no
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XGC Sader

New member
hmmm...I don't know on this one...Well the console is cheaper with the xbox where the ps3 is about $100 more. The xbox has Halo where the ps3 has Metal Gear, Final Fantasy, and God of War. With the xbox you have to pay for membership and with the ps3 you do not. Why I went with the xbox I have no idea. Personally I think I should have went with the ps3 but then I would have never been introduced to xiled gaming or my friends from the xbox. I guess I could buy a ps3 now but its almost about that time for the next generation consoles to come out so maybe I should wait.


New member
I'm getting my PS3 later this week, for the sole purpose of keeping in touch w/ people in our PS3 section... I dont expect much from it usability-wise, aside from the added benefit of Blu-ray. Aaand the only game(s) I'm considering are MW2 (see above ^) and little big world, cause it seems like a trip lol

Always been an MS fanboy, so this just feels wrong...

....Also, heard that people suck horribly when it comes to MW2 on the PS3, so thats something to look forward to LOL :D

SYN HighLite

New member
well ya'll might find out that its a lil more addictive then you originally thought! lol its great fun to just game on period

XGC Sader

New member
....Also, heard that people suck horribly when it comes to MW2 on the PS3, so thats something to look forward to LOL :D

based on what my friend says the rather really bad or really good. he says he averages around 60 kills a game and he said that my other friend is even better than that, gets a nuke every other game. I'd be very intimidated if that happened to me, lol.