
New member
I like the ps3 better. but the 360 does have somethings that the ps3 doesn't have but wat i really like about the xbox 360 is that u can listen to music while ur playing games, while the ps3 doesn't but im used to the playstations since thats wat i mostly play. the only reason y i played the xbox360 was because i didn't have the money to buy a ps3 at the moment but now i have one and i don't play the 360 anymore. both consoles have good graphics on the same games. i just can't see y they just won't make the same games for every console. But i like the ps3 the best. the reason y the ps3 is the best is because the xbox 360 could possibly get the red ring of death and the ps3 can't. so therefore the ps3 is the better console in my opinion.

SYN Black Wolf

New member
I am gonna have to say PS3 all the way now I have both consoles and you know half the reason XBox 360 has its popularity is because it hit the market first that's it thats all because almost all the features the 360 has to offer so does the PS3 and then some so lets start with Live vs PSN Recently I have had issues with Microsoft and my Credit Card for an inactive gamertag where they were charging an expired credit card PSN is free so I will never have that problem with Playstation, Actually that said running my PSN in comparison to Live PSN works just as good if not better then live because in order for me to play any online games in Live I first have to load a game and when it can't find one I have to sign out then sign back in every single time I might add none of that on my PSN. Only two minor things I found in favour of Live firstly you can view your friend's friends list and secondly in your Gamertag you can use a space rather then a underscore like I said very minor things that really don't hurt you in anyway for their absence. Marketplace vs Playstation store In Xbox's marketplace things are arrange in a MS points fashion this is detrimental as often times you are left with carry over points that while it is techincally a form of currency it is a useless one as you are often left with only enough points for trivial crap like avatar decoration in the playstation store its a one time purchase at the proper purchase price so the map pack for MW2 is 1200 MS this often translates to an expenditure if you do it through Credit card it ends up being close to 22$ just to get the map because you didn't have enough points left over forcing you to buy to sets off points for varying amounts or a points card for 19.99 for 1400 ms both which is more then Playstation store's straight flat out price of 14.99 or whatever it happens to be. The games now Xbox and PS3 have their own that console only games for Xbox it's Halo, Mass Effect and fable for PS3 its uncharted Killzone 2 resistance MAG folklore heavy rain demon souls god of war 3.... I mention only the system only titles worth mentioning notice a difference? PS3 have more and better stand alone titles for their system then the Xbox has for its own the only reason I pretty much keep my 360 around is because my girlfriend loves halo all the other games we play like MW2 GTA 4 Fallout 3 etc... are all split for both consoles and much to the chagrin of the guy who said MW2 runs differently you are wrong... I am sorry you are just wrong they run the exact same and thats just how it goes I know you are trying to make the Xbox seem better buts its not it plays the same games no differently and trust me on this I do have both consoles.... Now lets talk about options Microsoft in all their glory are damned and determined to steal your money yes for a while their the PS3 was more expensive but stop and think about what you got for your money **** Xbox 360 had to make an Elite console just so they wouldn't have been screwed now lets not make the mistake that an Elite console is better then a arcade console because that is also a fallicy the only true difference between an arcade console and an elite console is the colour on the outside and an elite comes with a larger harddrive that said elites are what now a 120GB hard drive well so are PS3's and with that 120gb harddrive and same price tag as the xbox elite you also get a wireless network adapter 100-150$ extra purchase on the Xbox 360, a blueray player 100$ extra purchase for the HD DVD drive on the 360 not that you would want it but it is a point nonethless and you never have to buy batteries for your PS3 controllers since I have owned my xbox I did a calculation the other day since I have owned an Xbox 360 I have spent about 150$ in batteries for the stupid controllers something you don't have to worry about in the PS3 and while we are on the subject Bluedog mentioned that he liked the 360 controllers better but thats just plain wrong once you are used to running a PS3 again the controllers are so much better on the PS3 and you don't have this bulky battery pack getting in your fingers way. Now some people have mentioned netflix and while I say good for you I am Canadian so those things mean absolutely nothing to me as they don't offer those services in Canada so thats a useless reason say one is better then the other if those services were offered everywhere in the world it would be a definite boost in the favour of Xbox but because they aren't I am gonna throw those things out, anyways now for what the PS3 can do that the Xbox can't PS3 runs an internet browser while I have to computers so this seems kind of silly it does allow for the streaming of internet videos meaning I can watch all my favourite shows on my tv which is important because some times its much better just sit back and cuddle with my girlfriend then both of us huddle close around my laptop what it can also do that my Xbox cannot is read a large variety of Movie codecs, This is a great boon for my piracy streak as now I am not so scared of the type of codec I download because I know my PS3 will read it off my laptop well thats about all I got for now give me another day or so and I will probably able to think of a lot more reasons why the PS3 is better

Oh one more reason while this feature isn't avaliable on the newer PS3 consoles the Backwards compatiblitly mode was far superior to that of Xbox's as xbox withheld titles comptability for the sole reason that they wanted to charge you to buy it off of Marketplace


New member
THat was a mouthful Wolf. i think its funny how 360 users think that the 360 is better than the PS3. As i have stated in another post, the only things a 360 is good for is playing Halo and/ or being used as a christmas ornament. PS3 has the most stable platform. Every microsoft product to date has had some sort of glitch that costs the consumer. PC's are easily hacked, 360 has RROD, etc,etc, etc.


New member
I just hate the lack of party chat for PS3ers. Seems so simple, and crucial

Sure theres in-game chat, or video chat, etc, etc... but no standard party chat like Lives. So IMO, that feature is golden, and sorely needed on the PS3

SYN Black Wolf

New member
There's a Party chat black I know this because 007 sent me an invite to one the one I was in was a text based chat there might also a talk chat lemme play and see


New member
oh yea, i agree Black. There are definately things Sony could do to better the console. I just think its funny how so many people think the xbox is so superior and what is even funnier, most of the nay sayers have never even played on a PS3. I dont hate the xbox, i have one and play it quite a bit. In fact, I think xbox has a better controller than PS3. in fact, by tomorrow I will have remedied that problem and will be playing with an xbox controller on my PS3. I am not so convoluted to think that Sony has cornered the market. I thiink its cool that you can chat w/ a friend who is not even in the same game as me. I stumbled on that the other day while playing Halo. Besides, far be it from me to challenge the superior intellect of my section leader. LOL. Can you say "Captain"? THats just a joke for those of you that are humorously challenged.
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New member
There's a Party chat black I know this because 007 sent me an invite to one the one I was in was a text based chat there might also a talk chat lemme play and see

Oh yea, theres a text chat, but not the cool equivalent of our Live party chat. makes me sad :(

oh yea, i agree Black. There are definately things Sony could do to better the console. I just think its funny how so many people think the xbox is so superior and what is even funnier, most of the nay sayers have never even played on a PS3. I dont hate the xbox, i have one and play it quite a bit. In fact, I think xbox has a better controller than PS3. in fact, by tomorrow I will have remedied that problem and will be playing with an xbox controller on my PS3. I am not so convoluted to think that Sony has cornered the market. I thiink its cool that you can chat w/ a friend who is not even in the same game as me. I stumbled on that the other day while playing Halo. Besides, far be it from me to challenge the superior intellect of my section leader. LOL. Can you say "Captain"? THats just a joke for those of you that are humorously challenged.

LOL, question my superior intellect or lack thereof as much as you like, just not commands, LOL

Gotta agree though, the controllers made a huge difference for me. I cheated though, and bought an Xbox 360 controller adapter for my PS3.... Now it just feels as awesome as it should! Makes a big difference in-game too


New member
Gotta agree though, the controllers made a huge difference for me. I cheated though, and bought an Xbox 360 controller adapter for my PS3.... Now it just feels as awesome as it should! Makes a big difference in-game too

mine should be here tomorrow. cant wait.

SYN Black Wolf

New member
lol here is an easy solution for the live party chats turn on your xbox and controller drop into a party and jump to another channel and run your ps3 games :D I still don't know what you guys are talking about with the PS3 Controllers tho... Once I re-familiarized myself with it I like it more and more and again no bulky battery slot getting in the way oh interesting side note I gotta buddy who is really into all that blue-tooth **** for his phones and stuff and he actually thinks his Sony PS3 Mic is the best bluetooth he has ever had


New member
lol here is an easy solution for the live party chats turn on your xbox and controller drop into a party and jump to another channel and run your ps3 games :D I still don't know what you guys are talking about with the PS3 Controllers tho... Once I re-familiarized myself with it I like it more and more and again no bulky battery slot getting in the way oh interesting side note I gotta buddy who is really into all that blue-tooth **** for his phones and stuff and he actually thinks his Sony PS3 Mic is the best bluetooth he has ever had

...Tried the party chat solution, but that only applies to people on the 360. I'd like a similar party chat system for my PS3 guys.

idk, the PS3 controller just feels wrong for me. It was near impossible to do well in any games I played, but as soon as I got my XCM adapter and started using my 360 controller, I started dominating kids on the regular. Theres no way I'm going back LOL

The PS3 wireless mic is awesome, but I had issues with that as well. In just about every game I went into my Dev/Mass buddies, the mic would shut off at the beginning of the match. After a minute of turning it back on/etc, I could start playing, but it was definitely a neuscence.... I've since picked up the TurtleBeach PX21's which are AMAZING. Just like w/ any other TB's, they give you a huge advantage in-game. I'd recommend them to anyone in XG

SYN MacDub2x7

New member
the 360 controller is ergonomically comfy! well designed for optimum skills in game, i converted from playstation to xbox, an its made a huge difference! 360 ftw!


New member
I would have to say the 360, it has better games and the controller feels better. Feel like I'm gonna break that little PS3 controller.


New member
Maybe it's because I've used a playstation controller for ten years now, but I don't mind it one bit. Is it better than the 360's? No. Is it worse? No. Its a matter of getting used to it. The internet functionality gets the one up on anything 360 does.

Since converting from the Xbox 360 to PS3 I can safely say the differences between online multiplayer is trivial. The social side may be lacking, although only slightly, but that's what you get when you don't have to pay for it.

Hmmmm... buy XBL membership, or a critically acclaimed PS3 exclusive? I know my choice.

That's only an example considering what made me convert was the fact that my fifth Xbox became faulty as with the previous four. I have not had one technical problem with my PS3. To me, that's huge. Did I mention many BluRays run for 200 some dollars in and of itself? The PS3 is a steal. Plus, on average, PS3 exclusives are rated higher than 360 and Wii exclusives. Do the research. I always do my homework, and what it got me was a great console, and a near identical online experience. Am I happier for it? Most definately.
i would have to say PS3, and agree with Agony. The 360 is a great system dont get me wrong, but every 360 i've owned has given me a RROD. my last elite that gave me a RROD just a month ago i bought in March of this year and it didnt last three months. My PS3 i've had since its orginal release and its never given me any issues. Plus not having to pay to play online is great!. As far as the Social problems, yes many games you run into Random players that dont have mics, but when you get a group of friends on i find its the same experience that i enjoyed on Xbox. There are features i would love to bring over from 360 to ps3 but everything can't be perfect. But bottom line is PS3 for me is the better system, between over all performance, Quality and experience it beats 360 hands down


New member
All the same, with XBL you get racists and small children, both acting tough through the anonymity of the internet. You get that with PSN, but at a miniscule level.


New member
gotta agree with Agony there about the controller. It's all about getting used to it.

I'd say ps3, mainly bacause of the better exclusives, blue-ray, the core it uses, and the better quality.