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New member
Good luck on your application & yes that sounds fine. id love to see some sort of game review or preview also and quite possibly an interview with someone in the community maybe your general?


New member
SYN Steel then it shall be done ^^ IF he can spare the time ^^ if he can't then ill try for my last general which would be jack daniels ^^ ill give you the review after i see the movie tomorrow for you all to read ^^ and if you pick the game you want review ill do my best to review it and give you all a good opioin on it ^^


New member
Yes i have i have played mass effect 3 and i am planning on buying in oct. or nov. AC3 game or in nov. the RE6 game ^^ but if theres another game in mind you would have me do i shall play it and give you a review for it ^^


New member

Mass effect 3 review

My mass effect 3 review:

Well were to start eh i guess i should start on the storyline. It all started with Mass effect 1 where you played as commander shepard and had to hunt down a rogue spectra and stop a reaper/geth invasion. That game litteray started it all and had a little trouble with a certain "news" if you wanna call it that channel. Here's the video.[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKzF173GqTU"]FOX NEWS Mass Effect Sex Debate - YouTube[/ame] The game introduce people/players to a WHOLE new way of playing a video game where every choice you made had a good or bad outcome. For the final mission on ME1 you get to choose either to save the council or let them die. I know from 1st hand exp. that many people choosed the 2nd option 1st and then went back and did the 1st option. This of course would have a BIG outcome in the other mass effects. In Mass effect 2 you have bin killed by the collectors and have bin reborn by cerburos and must now stop the new threat on the galxey, The collectors. Then mass effect 2 came out where you could import your charc into the game from the 1st mass effect which was a great advancement into the seriers due to the sole fact that all your choices that has happen in ME1 effected your storyline in ME2. In this game of mass effect you were able to choose to either save your crew or let them die for the final mission. Again if you choose you make to either blow up the collectors base or keep it intact would have conseques that would follow your charc into ME3. Then Mass effect 3 came out on march 6 2012 for NORTH AMERCIA and march 9 2012 for EUOPRE. Now you must save earth and the entire gaxley from the threat of exstintion from the force that all refuse to belive existed, The Reapers. Now all your choices that you have made in the other mass effect games will effect your storyline thoughout the rest of the game. So bioware said it would. But thats just one big fat LIE! Because all the choices you've made do effect the story but it doesn't effect the ending WHATSOEVER!!! (SPoilier) I did not just beat ME3 not once but TWICE to find out that i have to pick between 3 colours of RED BLUE AND GREEN!!! In fact i belive that shepard is indoctornatied at the end because at the end of the game all of a sudden a AI comes out of no where and tells you u have 3 choices to make and your not even given the option to reject all 3. In fact shepard gives into the choices and doesn't even question them which goes agaisnt EVERYTHING THAT SHEPARD STANDS FOR! If it were me i would have taken that gun and blew my shepards brains out to save the galexy i know that seems harsh but like come on. Plus once you do choose one of the ending options it's the exact same ending just with a different colour! The 3 options your given is Blue for controling the reapers. Red for destroying all Robotic life in the galexy. Last but not least Green where it's a combine of both orinaic and robotic life. In both the blue and green choices your shepard dies. However if you choose the red choice and you have 4000+ war assets then your sheapard will live. But for rest the of the game i loved it and didn't like it that so much. I would of love to have the option of free choice threw-out the game not make a choice where one race dies and the other lives. *cough*geth/qurian war*cough*. But i have recently found out that you can get both races onto your side. All you have to do is replay ME2 and make some certain choices. (If you wish ill leave the video somewhere most likely in the xbox section of how you can get both races.) But overall i loved how they added multiplayer to the game. Just one problem with it, It's exactly like horde mode from gears of war 2. I wanted to be able to play co-op snigle player with other games of this series but no they went with this. But i love in multiplayer how your able to play as different races and not have to fight each other (thank god) can you imagne how overpower this game would be if it was a vses game. Like you have a 4v4 match 4 players are krogan the others are humans, hmmmmm i wonder whos ever going to win....-_- but none the less i shall now come to my finally concultion for you all ^^. I recommend that you buy this game i give this a 8.5 out of 10 dude to the crappy ending and that you have to also pay another 10 bucks for DLC. But other then that great game and i totally recommend that you buy this game.

"The objective of war is not to die for country,But to make the other dumb SOB die for his!" - Geogre Smith Patton JR.
"Respect is like money it is easier to lose it then to earn it!" - IcedBroom


New member
I shall do 2 more reviews if you will allow. One will be a video game for PC which would be NAVYFIELD. The other is a movie "The Hunger Games". let me know if you want me to do these 2 reviews. But right now ima focus in on the interviews. I would like to request that you allow me to interview many members of SYN so they can give a breif history on SYN which is a great community. ^^ Plus give a brief history on themselfs and how they got to where they are today ^^


New member

Hunger Games movie review

Well it's finally here and i just got back from watching it today thats right i saw it on the day it came out i saw the movie "The Hunger Games". Great movie and great actors i would say this movie was a fantastic movie. Even though there were some points in the movie i didn't like. Plus im going to try and do this review WITHOUT giving away to much of the movie but if you wanna c the movie and don't want anything to be spoil stop reading now and get off this page. Even though i haven't read the book i like the movie. But i also say that half of the movie is BORING 1 reason for that is half the movie revoles around being in the city and not being out there on what the movie is actually about. But from what i understood from the movie humanity is pretty screwed up man. There was some kind of war between the captiol and the districts? and the captiol won the war and there was a treaty that forces all the districts to send 1 female and 1 male between the age of 12 and 18 to fight to the death and only one will survive. The treaty from what i remember is called "The treaty of treason". The games are called the hunger games. Plus they also have this saying about the games "may the odds always be in your favor". Which to me wouldn't really make any sense beacuse if theres 24 people there and it's a free for all then the odds arn't ever in your favor if they deside to team up. Which does happen at the start of the hunger games. What i don't understand is WTH IS WITH ALL THAT CREEPY DRESSES AND MAKE-UP!!! I swear i felt like they were all clowns or something. So if your scare of clowns don't see this movie lol cus they do really look like that xD. Overall the acting was good from the actors i love there proformes. But i didn't like the action scenes because right off the start of the games theres a big fight scene and the camera is all over the place like really you barely see any of the action. All you do get to see is some blood and one guy killing another and stuff like that. But very rarely do you see a good fight scene in this movie. In fact my favorite part about this movie is when theres a forest fire that makers of the game starter to keep her away from the border and to send her back into the game. But overall even though the camera is all over the place and the acting that the actors did was nothing short then amazing. I would have to say im gonig to give this film a 6 out of 10. I give it this rating due to the camera being all over the place when there is any action and that half of the movie is base in the city and not the game itself. But i still recommend you go and see this movie while it is in theaters.

"You will never know yourself unless you push yourself" - IcedBroom
"There is no try or try not, there is only do" - master jedi Yoda


New member
Make sure you're spell checking & using correct grammar. Also you need to start capitalizing your Is :)

also, in the movie review.. I kinda got tired of hearing the word movie over and over. Try not to overuse a word too much.

you also tend to be extremely opinionated and that's fine just make sure you're not offending anyone lol we don't need your articles to start fights :p

other than that you definitely know how to review something. Go ahead and do that navyfield one if you'd like


New member
why ty very much ^^ and btw i like doing it like this. This way i can make the rough draghs like this and let a pro review it and tell me what i did wrong with it because i can tell you one thing. I will most likely overlook mistakes thats why I make it in this format for a pro to overview it ^^ and ill have the interviews done when I get a hold of my general SYN Steel ^^ ima do 3 interviews ^^


New member
For starters, I would work on capitalizing your "I's". Also, you should work on proper indentations when starting a new paragraph.


New member
Ok ty I love all advice ^^ plz give me advice to help me out I love it ^^ and btw rave what do you think of my reviews as well ^^


New member
The reviews are a little hard to read because they are not formatted properly. By adding proper indentations and properly using the "enter" key, it will make it easier for the reader to read the article. Besides that the content looks pretty good.


New member
TY very much ^^ Plus btw to let both you and sakura know I am right now uploading my 3 part review of the game Navyfield. After it is uploaded I will leave the link on either here or a comment on your profile. The choice is yours if you let me know which one you both want I will do that choice ^^. Ill start on making the paragraphs from now on ^^


New member
It may be easier for you to just post the link in here since you will only have to post it once.


New member
I'd like to do another interview because these questions are structured weirdly. I am gonna use the past interview for ranks general and below but design a separate interview for 5 division leaders. one from each division. is that ok

I agree with you on how the questions are structured. Instead of asking them these sorts of questions, try a sing them questions along the lines of...

"Who recruited you?"

"What kinds of games do you play?"

" Outside of gaming, what do you enjoy doing?"

"What is your favorite thing about being a member of XiledGaming?"

Also, to end your interview, you may want to try leaving a closing statement like,

"Since we are done with this interview, is there anything that you would like to say?"

These are just some ideas to help you along the way.
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